FISH CAGE culture in Jambi has been practiced since 1955. However, the occupation has remained secondary to others such as those working in rubber plantations and trading.
Applying simple technology and management technique such as stocking and restocking, feeding and regulating the culture cycles in about 275 cages of approximately 1,250 m2 distributed along the lakes and canal within the town of Jambi, produced in 1975 about 54,000 kg of fish consisting mostly of Leptobarbus hoeveni. This exceeds the yield from fish ponds comprising 198 hectares, which produced 34,000 kg of fish in the same year.
There are two types of cages generally used for fish culture, namely the small cage made from bamboo which is cheap but less durable and the big one made from "bulian" wood which is costly but much more durable. The cages traditionally used by the farmers are not sturdy enough to withstand the waves and current of the main river, Batanghari. This has been one of the constraints to further extension of cage culture along the main river.[]
Ondara Reksalegora, “Fish Cage Culture in the Town of Jambi, Indonesia”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pen Cage Culture of Fish, 11-12 February 1979, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines (Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre, 1979): 51-53.
Full-text is available here.
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